family portraits gallery

Whether you come into our photo studio every year to update your family pictures, or if it’s been awhile since your last family portrait, you can be confident that you will have beautiful photos to choose from. Every family dynamic is different and we strive to capture the essence of your unique family. Parents and kids, grandparents and grandchildren, the kids together, the girls or the guys together, whatever the combination, you can be confident that every photo will show the love and care of your family.

The most important thing when taking family portraits is to have fun. Even family members who aren’t comfortable in front of the camera or those who feel self-conscious can take a beautiful photo with a genuine smile when they are having fun. It can be intimidating at times when your family is sitting on a background with the lights flashing, but by keeping it simple and remembering to relax and have fun, this will help your whole family feel more at ease. Come in with your favorite outfit, take your shoes off, and make yourself at home in our portrait studio and we will capture family pictures that represent your family’s character.

A common question we get about family pictures is what should we wear? The simple answer is that it’s up to you! While families tend to want to match in one solid color, you can also have fun with what you wear; although, matching in one color does look fantastic as well. Choosing one color is a great way to start, but you can also add in different patterns and styles to show some personality. Keep in mind that we can play with black and white, lighting, and close up and full-length photographs to change the mood of your family portrait, so don’t feel too constrained in what you do choose to wear.